
Top 6 Tips to Running an Inclusive & Diverse Business

Top 6 Tips to Running an Inclusive & Diverse Business Many businesses list inclusivity and diversity as core values. The MacMillian Dictionary provides an easy definition for the two concepts: Inclusivity: the fact of including all types of people, things or ideas and treating them all fairly and equally. Diversity: the fact that very different people or things exist within a group or place. But how do you actually create an [...]

Top 6 Tips to Running an Inclusive & Diverse Business

Top 10 reasons to hire a person with disability

Top 10 reasons to hire a person with disability Did you know just 53.4% of people with disability are employed, compared to 84.1% of people who do not identify as having disability? Employment is an important part of life for all of us. It provides a sense of self-empowerment, independence and overall positive wellbeing. Like anyone else, people with disability can and want to work – it truly can be life [...]

Top 10 reasons to hire a person with disability
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