Hear what Matthew has to say about Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions in Cessnock!
With some help from Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions, Matthew was able to turn from job seeker to employee!
Matthew told us what it was like to go on his employment journey with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions.
The first step is to gain the right skills and qualifications for the job or industry you are interested in.
“I have been with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions for some time,” said Matthew, “My case manager assisted me with my employability skills. They also supported me in gaining my Working with Children Check, work clothes and appropriate boots so I was prepared for the type of employment I wanted.”
When Matthew felt prepared to begin the search for employment, Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions was there to give him a boost along the way.
“Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions Cessnock staff got in contact with local employers that were aligned with the industry I was focused on.” Said Matthew.
“In particular, the Business Development team promoted my availability to prospective employers. Through this I was able to gain employment locally.”
So what does Matthew have to say about his overall experience with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions?
“They assisted me in gaining a role I was comfortable with and supported me in aquiring the necessary skills to complete this role.”
Securing employment is life changing for many people, including Matthew.
“Working is important to me, as it gives me some independence and helps me to create plans for the future,” said Matthew, “I am able to keep my mind and body functioning through working.
“I would love to stay in my employment for a long time, as I work with a supportive team and enjoy the work I do.”
Congratulations Matthew!

Pictured: Matthew has successfully gained employment with support from MWLFS.