Above: Brad’s before and after shots of his haircut. Looking good Brad!
Brad’s big transformation!
How Brad built his confidence and skills for employment with MWLFS
Brad started with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions (MWLFS) four years ago during high school and continued with pre-employment supports upon graduating. When he first entered Mai-Wel’s program in high school, he struggled with his self esteem and confidence, and wasn’t sure what direction he wanted to go in terms of a career path.
During these years, Brad got to take part in our Thrive Café initiative. Thrive café is a simulated hospitality workspace, where people are able to gain hands-on skills, build their capacity and confidence in a supportive environment. Brad was helped to build skills that would assist him to prepare for work and also to feel more confident in himself during this time.
This year, Brad started a 13-week course in Kitchen Operations with reservations but willing to explore the hospitality industry.
Fast forward several weeks later and Brad has transformed, both vocationally and personally!
Brad never missed a class, being always reliable, eager and quick to follow directions. He learnt all about food preparation, cooking skills, WHS practices and how to work with others. By the courses end, Brad knew he was keen to start work in a hospitality environment where he could use these new skills.
In order for Brad to build his confidence, he asked for support to go to the barbers and try out a new hairstyle. Particularly seeking work in the hospitality industry, Brad was seeking a change and knew shorter hair would be more manageable in a hospitality workplace.
As you can see, the results look fantastic!
Due to all the work Brad has done to prepare to work, he has now been able to transition into into Mai-Wel LabourForce Solution’s Disability Employment Supports (DES) program and is on the hunt for open employment!
The latest opportunity Brad has been able to take part in now that he has built his skills and confidence is our Workplace Learning to Employment program with Dominoes. 2 days a week for three months, Brad will be supported to take part in workplace learning at Dominoes, learning all the different stations, and, if successful, may even lead to employment!
The team at Mai-Wel are so proud of Brad and how far he has come over four years.
Well done Brad!