Building skills never smelt so sweet!
Welcome to Thrive Scents, Mai-Wel LabourForce Solution’s (MWLFS) enterprise project in which people with an NDIS plan are able to take part in the processes and procedures to create sweet smelling candle products. Thrive Scents offers a simulated production workspace where our people are able work in a supportive environment.
One of the biggest times of the year for candle sales is Mother’s Day. The members of Thrive Scents spent the months leading up to this planning, organising and researching a new item to produce – reed diffusers! Adding a new product to Thrive Scents offerings has provided an opportunity for the group to experience a number of different processes in the manufacturing process. This included:
- Sourcing products to make up the reed diffusers
- Testing out different fragrances
- Trialling different production methods
- Designing labels
- Assembling the reed diffusers in time for their release on Mother’s Day!
Everyone who was gifted a candle for Mother’s Day had nothing but positive feedback, and because of this the reed diffusers are here to stay! This product is now a regular part of Thrive Scents candle range and is available in all current scents.
Due to all the growth that has been happening in Thrive Scents, production has now moved from the MWLFS workspace into Mai-Wel Enterprises. Moving offered another real-life skill building opportunity for the group, who took part in setting up the new workspace. This larger permanent workspace means there is even more opportunity for growth and expansion of Thrive Scents in the future!

Pictured: Thrive Scents new candle range, created for Mother’s Day.

Pictured: White incense next to a plant on a wooden bench.