Kerran’s completed his course with flying colours!
We had a chat to Kerran about his journey to training and employment with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions.
Kerran completed the Certificate II in Retail through the Australian Retailers Association and was supported by the Cessnock Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions team to complete this.
“Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions provided assistance in many ways, such as letting me use the computers to complete my course, assisting me with scanning and uploading documents so these could be marked by the teacher and my Case Manager assisted me with some questions I became stuck with.
“I had the option to do this from home but was offered to use the computers at Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions for the duration of the course. I decided to take up this offer and I’m so glad that I did.
“Attending the office to complete my course gave me a schedule to adhere to and made me accountable to complete my course work on time. The course also gave me additional skills to help me become work ready and to learn more about retail businesses.
“I was proud to complete the course! My Case Manager advised me that I worked really hard and had shown dedication. I would also like to thank Rebecca, the Customer Service Officer at Cessnock, for assisting me with scanning and helping if I couldn’t get things to work properly.
“I am hoping to find employment where I can utilise the new skills I have learnt and put them into a practical situation, as well as learn additional skills on the job.”
After successfully completing his Certificate II in Retail, Kerran was reverse marketed to a local employer. Mai-Wel supported Kerran by assisting him with transporting and attending a walkthrough of the business. Kerran was successful in gaining employment and is due to start at the end of February 2022.
Congratulations Kerran!
Kerran was able to complete his Certificate II in Retail with support from Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions specialised Disability Employment Supports. Our supports are based around the needs of each individual job seeker, with assistance every step of the way throughout your employment journey – from training, to searching and gaining employment and post-placement supports on-the-job. Learn more at

Pictured: Meet Keeran, who has recently completed training and gained employment with assistance from Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions.