Good News Stories

Grounded in Culture

Grounded in Culture Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions provides NDIS participants the ability to build their skills and confidence for employment through a program called Step Up. Over the past 10-weeks, participants have been attending a Grounds Maintenance Course at Kurri Kurri TAFE. Throughout this course, this group have been working on and improving the “Yarning Circle” which is located on the TAFE campus. Meeting with the TAFE Aboriginal Liaison officer, the group understood the cultural [...]

Grounded in Culture

Overcoming barriers to employment

[responsivevoice] Overcoming Barriers to Employment Lynette has been out of the workforce and approached Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions (MWLFS) to gain confidence and skills to get back to work. Her last role was 20 years ago but with the help of MWLFS staff, Lynette was able to work on her employability skills and gain work experience before landing a job. “I have been assisted and supported to undertake work experience at a [...]

Overcoming barriers to employment

How can small business benefit from partnering with and support MWLFS?

How can small business benefit from partnering with and support MWLFS? Bridget, Operations Manager at Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions (MWLFS) in Maitland is looking forward to attending the Small Business Summit.   If you’re attending, you can chat to Bridget to learn more about MWLFS, an employment service achieving life-changing outcomes for local job seekers with disability and youth, and tailor-made recruitment solutions for local employers.    “Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions is such a vital [...]

How can small business benefit from partnering with and support MWLFS?

Hear what Matthew has to say about Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions in Cessnock

Hear what Matthew has to say about Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions in Cessnock! With some help from Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions, Matthew was able to turn from job seeker to employee! Matthew told us what it was like to go on his employment journey with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions. The first step is to gain the right skills and qualifications for the job or industry you are interested in. “I have been with Mai-Wel [...]

Hear what Matthew has to say about Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions in Cessnock

From Transition to Work to a full traineeship with Mai-Wel!

From Transition to Work to a full traineeship with Mai-Wel! We caught up with Chantelle last year after she was able to gain a position as a Trainee Finance Officer at Mai-Wel after taking part in Transition to Work youth employment services! You can read our first story about Chantelle at You can read all about the steps Chantelle took part in as part of her Transition to Work supports [...]

From Transition to Work to a full traineeship with Mai-Wel!

Kerran’s completed his course with flying colours!

Kerran’s completed his course with flying colours! We had a chat to Kerran about his journey to training and employment with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions. Kerran completed the Certificate II in Retail through the Australian Retailers Association and was supported by the Cessnock Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions team to complete this. “Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions provided assistance in many ways, such as letting me use the computers to complete my course, assisting me with scanning and uploading [...]

Kerran’s completed his course with flying colours!

Elaine’s changing her career

Elaine’s changing her career Elaine was looking for a career change after working in Supported Employment. She engaged with Mai-Wel’s Step Up program, which assists participants to build their capacity, skills and confidence to join the workforce. Elaine’s passion is to work in the hospitality industry a goal she discovered while participating in work experience at Fibonacci Café in Rutherford. During work experience, Elaine was supported by Step Up to assist her where required and to observe her [...]

Elaine’s changing her career

Meet Mai-Wel’s ‘Lockdown Legends’

Meet Mai-Wel’s ‘Lockdown Legends’ In late 2021 when Mai-Wel’s supports transitioned to online due to the COVID-19 lockdown, participants of the Maitland Step Up program kept in touch socially via Zoom. Mai-Wel’s Step Up program is a capacity-building program which assists people with disability to build necessary skills, confidence and other preparations for work. The group of Michael, Sandra, Alex, Maddie and Kaitlyn, named themselves ‘Lockdown Legends’, catching up twice a week via Zoom. Often [...]

Meet Mai-Wel’s ‘Lockdown Legends’

Jacob’s brewing skills for work with his barista course

Jacob’s brewing skills for work with his barista course Meet Jacob, a job seeker who has been looking different industries and certificates to prepare for employment. Jacob is apart of the Mai-Wel Labour Force Solutions Disability Employment Service in Cessnock. We caught up with Jacob to talk about his goals and the steps he’s been taking towards them with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions. “My Case Manager with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions has been working with [...]

Jacob’s brewing skills for work with his barista course

Dylan’s putting his forklift ticket to work

Dylan’s putting his forklift ticket to work Dylan has successfully gained his forklift licence and is making use of this in his workplace! While taking part in Mai-Wel’s School Leaver Employment Supports, Dylan is building skills, confidence and capacity for work. He identified that he was extremely interested in the transport industry, and that gaining his forklift licence would be a great first step to entering this industry. Dylan attended the [...]

Dylan’s putting his forklift ticket to work
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