Good News Stories

Thomas Journey with MWLFS

It only took Thomas two workplace learning days of washing cars at Maitland Nissan & Kia Service Centre for them to offer him a permanent job in car detailing! Tom joined Mai-Wel Labourforce Solutions (MWLFS) as he had an intellectual disability, and wanted a helping hand preparing for employment with the goal to work with cars. MWLFS worked with Tom to support him to develop his skills, confidence and even obtained his [...]

Thomas Journey with MWLFS

Gemco Rail is forging a path of opportunity and employment with Mai-Wel 

Earlier in the year, Gemco Rail met with Mai-Wel to discuss and explore options to enhance their diversity and open further inclusivity in their workforce.   Mai-Wel has been providing employment and disability supports and services in the Maitland community for over 62 years.   “Supporting Mai-Wel is deeply aligned to our values of good corporate citizenship, supporting the communities in which we operate,” said Michael Rae, Gemco Service Manager.  From a meeting [...]

Gemco Rail is forging a path of opportunity and employment with Mai-Wel 

Gaining work experience at Mt Carmel Residential Aged Care

Mike and Tori had a goal to gain employment, but first they needed to get some experience. Mt Carmel, an Aged Care facility, selected Michael and Tori to take part in a 12-week work place learning opportunity, with the prospect for this to lead into employment. Over the 12-weeks Mike and Tori were busy, working across many areas of Mt Carmel Residential Aged Care. Examples of this includes group activities with [...]

Gaining work experience at Mt Carmel Residential Aged Care

Ashley and Samantha at the Morpeth School Canteen!

Ashley and Samantha have been cooking up a storm at the Morpeth School Canteen! Building skills such as food preparation and customer service are extremely important in order to be prepared for working in the hospitality industry. Ashely and Samantha are learning new skills from cooking, baking, filling lunch orders and serving to implementing the importance of cleaning and maintaining a hygienically clean work area all apart of a Mai-Wel workplace [...]

Ashley and Samantha at the Morpeth School Canteen!

“This is the best job I’ve had”

We caught up with Kevin, one of our job seekers who takes part in Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions Disability Employment Supports (DES). With Mai-Wel, Kevin was able to gain and maintain meaningful employment at McDonalds! Read on to hear what Kevin has to say about his journey with Mai-Wel. “At each appointment with my Case Manager, Anthony explained how I wanted to work. He looked into many different roles for me, with some not [...]

“This is the best job I’ve had”

One Year Working as a Youth Support Mentor

[responsivevoice] One Year Working as a Youth Support Mentor Julie recently celebrated her one-year anniversary with Mai-Wel and 18 years working in the industry. After 18 years working as an Employment Consultant at a different company, Julie was nervous to take the leap and apply for a new position at Mai-Wel. Now, one year later, Julie is absolutely loving her position as a Youth Support Mentor for Mai-Wel’s Workforce Australia – [...]

One Year Working as a Youth Support Mentor

Get a taste of the hospitality industry

Get a taste of the hospitality industry Welcome to Thrive Café, an enterprise project in which people with an NDIS plan are able to learn how to prepare and serve hot and cold beverages and meals. Thrive Cafe offers a simulated hospitality workspace, so our people can experience an on-the-job experience, in a supportive environment. We have a number of people who are interested in the hospitality industry. Due to this [...]

Get a taste of the hospitality industry

Building skills never smelt so sweet!

Building skills never smelt so sweet! Welcome to Thrive Scents, Mai-Wel LabourForce Solution’s (MWLFS) enterprise project in which people with an NDIS plan are able to take part in the processes and procedures to create sweet smelling candle products. Thrive Scents offers a simulated production workspace where our people are able work in a supportive environment. One of the biggest times of the year for candle sales is Mother’s Day. The [...]

Building skills never smelt so sweet!

Brad’s big transformation!

Above: Brad's before and after shots of his haircut. Looking good Brad! Brad’s big transformation! How Brad built his confidence and skills for employment with MWLFS Brad started with Mai-Wel LabourForce Solutions (MWLFS) four years ago during high school and continued with pre-employment supports upon graduating. When he first entered Mai-Wel’s program in high school, he struggled with his self esteem and confidence, and wasn’t sure what direction he [...]

Brad’s big transformation!

Making a difference as a Youth Support Mentor

Making a difference as a Youth Support Mentor “You should never underestimate how much impact you have as a Youth Support Mentor” Matt is a Youth Support Mentor with Mai-Wel’s Transition to Work (TtW) employment service, assisting youth who are experiencing barriers entering the workforce or study to find and achieve their employment goals. “As a Youth Support Mentor, I engage with job seekers between the ages of 15 to [...]

Making a difference as a Youth Support Mentor
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